Talking about Opioids, they destroy towns and people

Almost any place I have traveled for An American Mosaic, I hear people talk about this crisis in America. A self inflicted problem. Opioids, made, marketed, and sold in the U.S. by Americans to Americans. Big business, as all addictive drugs are. I was curious about Portsmouth Ohio after reading a very good book, “Dreamland”. So I included it with my trip to West Virginia. I recorded some observations on the Podcast Episode 19. linked below. I also posted a conversation I had in West Texas with a young man who revealed his addiction to Opioids, Podcast Episode 31. A common result of the over prescribing of pain pills. I appreciated his candor and the conversations. It is a good listen. Listen to the Podcasts on Apple Podcasts.

Dialogue, An American Mosaic Episode 19. and Dialogue, An American Mosaic Episode 31.

Towns with empty factory buildings, out of work people, poor education, are victims of drugs.

Towns with empty factory buildings, out of work people, poor education, are victims of drugs.